Pain & Movement Specialist

I help prevent injuries, mend aches and pains, and increase
your sport performance through manual therapy,
breathing resets, and functional movement
so you can be you, only better.

Breathing Fundamentals

The first thing you did coming into this world was breathe and breathe well. Somewhere along the way you got off track. This free video, you will learn to calm your nervous system by learning to send your breath into your belly and turn on your core all at the same time! This is the basic fundamental I teach my clients everyday. Once you learn this you will have a foundation to build on.

Why Choose Me


Over 20+ years of experience working with professionals and athletes helped me be the #1 choice in New York City. And now I can bring my passion to North Carolina.

My Unique Approach

I will take a full body approach to your care. Together we will take a dive deep into your everyday life: By assessing exercise routine, ergonomics, and posture. I treat the whole client not just injuries.

Recovery & Prevention

After a full assessment, custom hands on treatment, now it’s time for a game plan for recovery and prevention. You can expect a custom set of movement drills to retrain movement in the body. My goal is to empower you to perform at your highest, most optimal level in life.


  • Active Release Technique® (ART)

  • Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT)

  • Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)

  • Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)

  • Anatomy In Motion (AIM)

  • Cupping Therapy

  • Rock Tape

    And a lot more!

Conditions I Treat

  • Neck Pain

  • Headaches & Migraines

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Calf Strain

  • Lower Back Pain

  • Hip Pain

  • Ankle Sprain

  • Muscle Strain

  • Plantar Fasciitis … to name a few..