
  • In Person Session $ 180

    A full history is taken combined with a movement assessment. The assessment provides a clear, picture of what’s going on in your body. Muscles Testing (NKT) will help determine what we need to work on from a soft -tissue perspective and what needs to be strengthened. A combination of Active Release Techniques, Neurokinetic Therapy, and other mobility’s is a great combo to help bring you out of pain. You can expect a custom set of breathing & movement drills to retrain your brain and recharge your body. My goal is to empower you to perform at your highest, most optimal level in life.

    If you cannot met in person I do offer virtual sessions for $150. See Testimonials

  • Treat Pain at Home $75

    Find out how to utilizes the intense power of proper breathing to relieve pain, ease anxiety and restore healthy muscle movement. Learn how to strengthen your core and relieve tight muscles with movement drills to address imbalances in the body.

    You will receive a 1-on-1 support, virtual hands on care, along with custom therapy plan based on your goals and feedback.

    You have two options:

    ~ Learn to Improve Neck Pain

    ~ Learn to Improve Lower Back Pain