Massage Therapy in a World Where You Can’t Be Touched.

There are 2 types of massage clients: (i) the ones that just enjoy a massage, or (ii) the ones that use massage for relief from some form of discomfort that they are experiencing. For the latter, after a typical ‘massage’ session you can feel great - muscles feel loose, your body feels at ease. 

How long does that ‘great feeling’ last AFTER your massage; a week, a day, or just a few hours? When does the discomfort/pain/restriction that you were aiming to get rid of comes back? Often, the benefit of massage is temporary.


If you’re releasing all that tight tissue, why doesn’t the relief last?

Maybe that isn’t how it works... Maybe the ‘tight’ tissue is doing something important...

In over 20 years of experience as an massage therapist, I’ve found that ‘tight’ tissue is often the result of underlying stability issues. Lack of strength somewhere else in the body creates compensations, and these compensations can affect other areas, causing our bodies to signal us with what we experience as pain. These painful areas can vary from short compressing tissue or long tensioned tissue manifesting as pain in tissues elsewhere. Tissues ‘take up the slack,’ doing extra work for those that aren’t doing enough work.  

If you are a person that is seeking massage to provide you with relief from some form of discomfort that you are experiencing, it may be worth taking a moment to think about what it is that your body really needs. Having a massage may feel good temporarily, but what if that's all it is. A temporary relief. Do you think that it is possible to achieve overall wellness, relieve pain, soothe injuries, increase relaxation and improve circulation without having someone touch you? I don’t know about you, but I say, “YES!”

I have seen specific exercises not only help people to get out of pain, but then keep them feeling great. The combination is a phenomenal way to work with the body. 

The future of massage therapy is changing. And the key lies in understanding how to take care of yourself by integrating breathing & corrective movement. 

What does that look like?

In a virtual session I typically take a full health history combined with watching you move. Biomechanics of body movement is head to toe, specifically working from the core out and from the foot up.

Your session will give you the tools to get yourself better. Expect a custom set of exercises to retrain your motor control and recharge your body, and tools specific to what your body needs and wants. I have developed a style that merges different cutting edge techniques. These will be integrated throughout your session.

Here’s an example of a virtual session testimony: “When I first thought about having massage therapy via virtual sessions, I couldn’t imagine it could be effective, let alone useful. Bethany changed all of that. Being fortunate enough to have had massages by Bethany in the past, I was desperately wanting her healing hands again. When that was not going to be possible and she suggested we try a virtual session together, I was willing to try it but never could I imagine how I would feel... well, I felt like she was actually massaging me! Through her knowledge, empathy, deep understanding of the human body and her unique and special way of teaching you techniques so that you actually do them correctly is a game changer for self healing through virtual sessions. Bethany has always been a leader in her art and now I feel she is setting the pace for massaging and healing without the physical touch. I came to her with much neglect to my shoulders. Virtually she assessed me, taught me, curtailed therapy just for me, provided homework videos and after just one session I felt better! I am on my third session and cannot be happier with all the benefits I have received from this virtual massage therapy! I plan to continue to take advantage of this new way of virtual therapy and stay with Bethany to help me heal because she is dedicated to her art, motivating and healing to both body and soul. Just try one virtual session with her and you will be convinced that she is the person who can heal you long term, virtually!”


What to Expect During Your First Appointment