How Can a Virtual Appointment Help Me?

There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live our lives. Many people are still uneasy when it comes to in-person appointments, which is completely understandable. Everyone is entitled to their own level of comfort. 

The good news is, you can still benefit from a functional massage therapy appointment with me from the comfort of your own home. I know, you’re probably saying, “how in the world can a massage appointment be virtual,” but hear me out. 

There are two types of massage clients; those who just enjoy getting massages, and those who are seeking relief from pain and discomfort. If you fall in the second category, this article is for you. Because although a typical massage may help your pain temporarily, they usually don’t provide long-term relief. Tight muscles and pain are usually an indication of a stability issue somewhere else in the body. A trained practitioner (such as myself) can assess your body for imbalance without being in the same room. 

So, what can you expect during a virtual appointment?

Thorough Health History

First things first, I’ll need a detailed health history before your appointment. I know, filling out health forms isn’t fun, but getting an in-depth look at what your body has been through, and what it’s currently dealing with, is an important factor in developing your treatment plan.  

Movement assessment 

Next, during your virtual appointment, I’ll observe your movement from your toes up. Because believe it or not, the way you walk, sit, and stand can reveal a lot more than you think when it comes to your unique pain. Discomfort in your upper body may be caused by an imbalance in your lower body. 

Treatment plan

After reviewing your health history and your movement assessment, I’ll use the information to create a personalized treatment plan. Your plan will include a virtual treatment, such as going over breathing techniques and movements that can reduce your pain. Then, I’ll give you a custom set of exercises for homework that will help strengthen and stabilize your muscles while retraining your brain to move properly. Once balance is restored, and with continued training, you’ll be able to achieve long-term pain relief. 

Constant pain is frustrating and can be a burden on your mental health as well as you’re physical. If you’re still uncomfortable being in-person, there is still hope. 

Here is a testimonial from a virtual session client:

“When I first thought about having massage therapy via virtual sessions, I couldn’t imagine it could be effective let alone useful. Bethany changed all of that. Being fortunate enough to have had massages by Bethany in the past, I was desperately wanting her healing hands again. When that was not going to be possible and she suggested we try a virtual session together, I was willing to try it but never could I imagine how I would feel... well, I felt like she was actually massaging me! Through her knowledge, empathy, deep understanding of the human body and her unique and special way of teaching you techniques so that you actually do them correctly is a game changer for self-healing through virtual sessions. Bethany has always been a leader in her art and now I feel she is setting the pace for massaging and healing without the physical touch. I came to her with much neglect to my shoulders. Virtually she assessed me, taught me, curtailed therapy just for me, provided homework videos and after just one session I felt better! I am on my third session and cannot be happier with all the benefits I have received from this virtual massage therapy!  I plan to continue to take advantage of this new way of virtual therapy and stay with Bethany to help me heal because she is dedicated to her art, motivating and healing to both body and soul. Just try one virtual session with her and you will be convinced that she is the person who can heal you long term, virtually!” Laurie Ann- Client 

For more reviews click here!

I hope to see you soon.


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