My Journey from the Big Apple to Charlotte, North Carolina

Hello everyone! There have been a lot of changes for me in the last few months, so I figured it was time to share. First things first, I’ve moved! My family and I have moved from New York City to Charlotte, North Carolina. My husband received a job offer and we made the hard decision to move , but in the end, we did what was best for us and our quality of life. 

Now, this move doesn’t mean that I will no longer be serving my NYC clients. I’m still here for you! I offer virtual sessions so we can continue our work from the comfort of your own home. I promise, you’ll still get all of the benefits of an in-person session without having to leave the house. Also, I’ll be heading back to NYC every two to three months for a pop-up clinic, so if you prefer in person, we can work together when I’m in town. If you’d like to schedule a virtual consultation with me, or ask a question, click here. I’m excited to work with you and get you back to pain-free movement! 

To those in the Charlotte, North Carolina area who are looking for pain relief solutions, I’d love to tell you a little more about what I can offer you. My name is Bethany, and I’m a movement and gait specialist. I am so excited to bring my passion and knowledge of the human body to the south. I have been a massage therapist for OVER twenty years, but I’m not a traditional massage therapist. I have found in my practice that pain is an underlying instability issue within the body. So over the years, I have developed a  unique way to resolve the issue with breath work, manual therapy, and movement drills. I found that utilizing these tools together gives long lasting results, and it gives you what you need to keep feeling your best. 

As a movement specialist, I focus on treating the whole body, and I offer solutions that work for you. Together, we’ll get to the root of your pain and implement the modalities mentioned above to correct the issue. No one wants to go through life in pain. If pain is stopping you from doing what you love, whether it’s golf, running, or just playing with your kiddo,  I’d love to meet with you. My goal is to guide back to pain-free movement. For more information on the types of treatment I can offer, and what to expect during your first appointment with me, check out this blog article. If you’re fed up and ready to move pain-free, let’s chat! I’d love to meet you. 


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